To All BEATLES Lovers: JAMBa’s OFF WHITE Album, feat. Bernard Purdie, has been called a “unique, eclectic, and original” take on Beatle classics. Here’s what others had to say about JAMBa’s OFF WHITE ALBUM Ken Bays writer for CyberPR...
Over the years, I’ve found myself meeting musicians that I really respected. Guys whose albums I wore out. Guys whose music had a tremendous impact on my playing. I’m not a “I really gotta meet this guy” type of person but you find yourself in situations with...
The working title for this cut was “Turkey Dawg”. Why? We thought that combining the riff from Hey Bulldog and the chordal lick from Cold Turkey would work. Thus Turkey Dawg. Starting with the groove, we took a track from our last recording which was a...
Some thoughts from a Bill Evans interview. On following trends: ‘if you try to follow what going on around you, you’ll get confused.’ (don’t let trends dictate your music) “perfect your own art and hopefully there’ll be room for...